How can we know when God is actually speaking to us? Here’s a secret: we say we don’t hear from God, but that’s because we’ve learned how to tune Him out.
Sometimes we’ve trained ourselves to have selective hearing, like kids who cover their ears and say, “I don’t want to hear that… I don’t want to hear that…”
Clarity in the Chaos
Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could have a direct line to Heaven? Pick up the phone, have God on speed dial, and hear Him clearly tell us what we should do. That would be so much easier to know what we’re supposed to do.
What if we were to say that it’s not necessarily easier that way? Take a look at these 5 keys to help you clearly identify God’s voice.
Make Attending Church a Priority in Your Life.
Attending church is more than just a Sunday routine; it’s an opportunity to connect with a community of believers who can support and encourage us.
It can be easy to fall into the trap of, “I don’t need to go to church. I’ll just watch TikTok. I’ll watch 30 clips of this preacher I follow on social media. I’ll watch the sermon online.” The reason we call this a trap is because God never told us to find Him in the woods or at the lake. He said in Hebrews 10:25 not to give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but to get together even more often.
Why does it matter? First, because it’s what He told us to do. How do we expect to hear God’s voice when we won’t even listen to what He asks us to do? Second, we’re more vulnerable when we’re isolated. That’s why God created us to be in community. Sometimes, God’s voice comes through the people we interact with at church.
Create a Quiet Space to Pray and Limit Distractions to be Able to Hear God’s Voice
Prayer is not just about talking to God; it’s about listening. Often, we’re so focused on sharing our requests and concerns that we forget to quiet our minds and just listen.
What does God’s voice sound like? It’s not a big boom from Heaven. It’s the still, small voice we hear on the inside. And you know what? That voice sounds a lot like us.
So, how do we know it’s God and not just our own thinking? Over time and practice, we’ll more easily learn to decipher our thoughts from His voice. The easiest way to know the difference? Often what He says is what we don’t want to do. We write it off as a brief irrational thought.
“Forgive them.” What, no, they don’t deserve that.
“Take the exit off the highway.” But my regular route is faster.
“Go talk to that client.” I’m not qualified to pitch that idea.
God always has our best interest at heart. When we get quiet, set the atmosphere, and shut off the distractions, we can better hear His voice.
Engage in Worship Regularly to Create an Atmosphere Where We’re More Receptive to Hear God’s Voice.
Have you ever wondered why so many church services begin with worship music? Worship is a powerful way to tune into God’s voice. Praise and worship is the only part of the church service that isn’t about us, but is solely about honoring God. It’s part of the dialogue, like prayer.
Worship music has a unique ability to touch our hearts and souls, making us more receptive to His presence. After singing to give Him praise, we’re more open to what God wants to tell us during the rest of the service.
Have you ever felt like the preacher was speaking directly to you? That’s not the preacher scrolling through your social media to know all about your business. That’s the Holy Spirit speaking through a person to speak directly to us!
Setting the tone through worship music helps us to have softened hearts and a quiet mind to hear all that God wants to share with us.
Develop a Consistent Bible Reading Plan.
The Bible, also known as God’s written Word, is one of the primary ways He speaks to us. It’s His part of the dialogue in our conversation.
Reading the Bible might seem daunting at first, but the Holy Spirit reveals what we need to know as we allow His still, small voice to speak. When a particular verse or chapter jumps off the page and leaves us with an “AHA” moment, that’s Him speaking to us.
The more we dig in, just the simple act of obedience helps us become more attuned to His voice and His leading in our lives.
There are countless stories of individuals who prayed, looking for answers, only to open their Bible and find what they were looking for on the pages in front of them.
Need help getting started? The Bible app is a great resource with reading plans and multiple translations that are right for you. Don’t hesitate to get started! It’s as simple as reading one verse every day.
Join a Small Group or Bible Study in Your Church Community.
How can we get a double-check during those moments where we feel uncertain if we’re hearing from God or not? Getting involved in a small group can greatly enhance our spiritual growth and our ability to hear from God.
Small Groups are a safe environment where we can share our thoughts, aks questions, and open up struggles with others who are on the same journey, or who have been where we are now. In these settings, we can have wise counsel, receive encouragement, prayer, and insights that can help us discern God’s voice more clearly.
Finding the right group is important to getting a set of like-minded friends to surround us and can even be used by God to speak things into our lives that we wouldn’t receive from anyone else.
“By incorporating these five keys into our spiritual life, we can create an environment where we are more attuned to God’s voice. Remember, hearing from God is not just about following a set of rules, but about cultivating a relationship with Him.
He longs to speak to us and guide us in every area of our lives. When we open our hearts, tune into His voice, He’ll lead us on and incredible journey of faith and discovery.