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the Lord woke me up at 4:00 AM and started talking to me about Illinois. He said, “Get in your car and drive over to the East Side.” I pulled over and He said, “Your church will be at this exit!”

Years ago in this same area, I had insisted that my dad do some meetings at the Ramada Inn in Fairview Heights. He didn’t want to and asked me, “Why are we doing this?” I said “Well Dad, it’s going to help people in this area.” It’s funny how when you plant a seed… 30 years later… you can still get a harvest!

God knew, in this year of grace and favor, that He would give us the Ten-plex: 5 theaters on the right side, 5 theaters on the left side, plus 5 acres of parking! Yes! We have a building in Illinois!

Our God will always have a space and a place for us. And it’s gonna happen in Florida, too! At the right time and the right place, it will be the right deal!

Now, we have to come together and get our hands dirty! Be praying about what God wants to do with you and what God wants to do through you! This is so exciting! We’re taking our 3rd state for Jesus and the possibilities are amazing!



Our dream is to provide so many others with a loving local campus of their own!

The theaters are becoming a beautiful auditorium with a big stage and all the professional quality lights, audio systems, and video screens that you would expect to find at Faith Church. We’re creating plenty of friendly open areas for coffee and fellowship, with the addition of a new Portico Café. We’re reserving cool new spaces for teens to gather and young adults to just hang out. We’re imagining a worship stage and fun new play areas where kids and tots will learn about Jesus! Together, we can make it all happen!

We met with the architects and the real estate experts to find out the value of the building & property and the renovations we have planned. They have estimated that if we were to build this building from the ground up, in today’s economy, it would be worth approximately $20,000,000.

We are in the process of acquiring the building and are asking the church to help us with the cost of the remodeling. What we need to get this project across the finish line is $2,500,000 over the next two years.

Each week, we reach out to thousands and invite them to join our church family. So many, that we don’t always have a place ready for them at the table. We don’t have enough rooms prepared.

If you are blessed to have a church home at Faith Church, will you use your passion for this house to make that a reality for someone else? We want every family to know: Faith Church has plenty of room for you! Welcome home!


We are, by nature, a generous church! It’s in our DNA! God has so richly blessed our lives and households that we’re always excited when we can bless the House of God! We love to see how our giving can build church homes and change where people spend eternity!


As for me and my house… we serve in God’s house! We use our time, talent, and treasure to build God’s Kingdom here on Earth. Serving is a privilege! We volunteer with a joyful attitude and a servant’s heart, wherever we’re needed! We’re just glad that God picked us!

Thank you, God, that you always hear us! Show us new opportunities each day to pray for others outside of the church who don’t know where to turn for help. Thank you, that we have an abundance of finances, supplies, and manpower to continue to build Your Kingdom. We are preparing a place for those that are lost. Draw them to their new home at Faith Church! Amen.