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Faith Church Growth Track


Growth Track is the perfect place to start for anyone who is new to Faith Church, or who wants to grow in their walk with Christ.
We have made it so much EASIER to get involved!
We have launched the IMPROVED Growth Track! You’re gonna LOVE it!

Get Involved

Our Growth Track is 2 steps and starts every other week on Saturdays and Sundays. We invite you to check out the schedule and  jump in at any time.

Interested In Online Growth Track?


We want to connect with you and share how you can connect with God and connect with Faith Church! Week One is to help you understand how to develop a deeper relations with God and others.


Have you ever wondered “Why was I created?” In Week Two we want to help you discover your purpose and live out your destiny. You will learn how God has uniquely designed you and how to use your gifting.