Have you ever been to the gym and thought, Wow, this is way harder than I expected? Maybe you picked up a five-pound weight and thought, No problem, but then tried a 25-pounder and realized, Okay, that’s a different story.
Faith works the same way. It grows with resistance.
Think about it—God doesn’t drop us into a full-blown battle on day one. He lets us lift five-pound problems before He hands us the big stuff. And just like in the gym, if we don’t push through, if we don’t add weight over time, we stay weak.
So the question is: Are you growing your faith muscle, or are you stuck in the same place, spiritually stagnant?
Faith Grows Through Resistance
Ever notice how some people go through absolute storms and come out stronger? That’s because faith isn’t built in comfort—it’s built-in trials.
James 1:3 tells us that “the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” In other words, the more resistance we face, the stronger our faith becomes.
Now, let’s get this straight: God doesn’t throw problems at us to see if we break. That’s not His heart. The enemy is the one who comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). But when trials come, God will use them to stretch and grow us.
Think of it like David. Before he faced Goliath, he fought lions and bears. If he hadn’t tackled those smaller battles, he wouldn’t have had the confidence to stand before a giant.
What battles has God already brought you through?
Sometimes, we forget our victories because we’re so focused on what’s in front of us. But look back. What was your “lion”? What was your “bear”? If God brought you through then, why would He leave you now?
Fear vs. Faith: Which One Are You Feeding?
Here’s something wild—fear and faith are basically the same thing. Both require you to believe in something you can’t see. One just believes in the worst outcome, and the other believes in God’s promises.
Matthew 8:26 says, “Why are you so fearful, O you of little faith?” Jesus said this to His disciples when they were freaking out over a storm. The storm didn’t bother Jesus because He knew something they didn’t: faith overrides fear.
But let’s be real—most of us spend way more time feeding fear than faith. We watch the news, scroll through social media, listen to negative voices, and then wonder why we feel anxious.
Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.”
So, let’s flip the question: What are you hearing? Are you listening to God’s Word or feeding your fear?
Strength Training for Your Spirit
We don’t get strong by accident. We don’t wake up one day ripped and ready. Strength comes from consistent effort over time.
If you want your faith to grow, you have to train it.
Here are three ways to build your faith muscle:
- Start Small and Stay Consistent
David didn’t start with Goliath. He started with a sling and some wild animals. Don’t despise small beginnings (Zechariah 4:10). If you’re struggling to trust God with something big, start by trusting Him with something small.
- Believe for a parking spot before you believe for a house.
- Trust Him for a new opportunity before you ask for a complete career shift.
- Pray about daily worries before tackling life-changing decisions.
Faith is a muscle. It grows with use.
- Speak What You Seek
Your words shape your reality. Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death.”
If you constantly say, “I don’t know how we’re going to make it,” you are literally training your brain to believe in lack. But if you declare, “God will provide, He always has,” you shift your mindset from doubt to faith.
What are you speaking over your life?
- Surround Yourself with Faith-Builders
You ever notice that gym buddies push each other harder? The same is true for faith.
If you’re around people who doubt God, who live in constant fear, who tell you to “be realistic” (a.k.a. stop believing for miracles), your faith will shrink.
But if you surround yourself with people who believe big, who speak life, who push you to trust God even when it doesn’t make sense—your faith will grow.
Get in a small group. Plug into church. Don’t do life alone.
Are You Ready to Level Up?
Faith is a journey, not a one-time event. It’s built over time, through trials, through victories, through trusting God even when we don’t understand.
So, what’s your next step?
- Are you facing a challenge right now that requires faith? Write it down. Speak God’s promises over it. Trust Him.
- Are you surrounding yourself with faith-builders or faith-killers? If you need to make a change, do it.
- Are you feeding your faith or your fear? Choose what you hear carefully.
God is growing something in you. Don’t quit in the middle of the process. Keep lifting, keep trusting, and watch how strong your faith becomes.
If this encouraged you, share it with a friend. Let’s build our faith together!